







具体地点:Austria Vienna




联系电话:+431 7077 202 0




In the past ICC had a dedicated series of ICC conferences to contribute to the nature of our Association, cereal science and technology. The series started with its 1st ICC Conference in Vienna, Austria in 1956, the year after ICC’s founding and continued more or less every other year till 2002 where the 18th ICC Conference targeted novel raw materials, technologies and products in Budapest, Hungary.

With the 19th ICC Conference 2019 we want to revive this long-lasting tradition in sharing the latest developments in cereal science and technology. The programme of this Conference will be a great forum of discussions between ICC Members and food scientists, producers as well as product developers outside the “ICC family”.

This Conference will be the place to learn, collaborate, network and build bridges from cereal science to technology and vice versa. By creating a better understanding for the hot topics in the different areas long lasting bridges shall be built to contribute together to the urgent needs in the cereal business today.

ICC19 will cover all aspects in the field such as production, processing, nutrition, analysis, new products and technologies, food safety and quality assurance including state-of-the art reviews by authoritative speakers and updates on new developments and research in international projects as well as academia. ICC19 offers a wide forum for all disciplines and sectors involved in cereal research, production and utilisation, where also new technologies practically can be presented.

The 19th ICC Conference will be organised together with the University of Natural Research and Life Science Vienna, Department of Food Science and Technology, and both organisations would like to extend a warm welcome to all participants from all over the world to join this ICC Conference in the beautiful city of Vienna.


The 19th ICC Conference 2019 Science meets Technology will address the following topics:

Processing and cereal products (milling, baking, pasta, extrusion, non-thermal processing techniques, starch functionality, separation technology)

Quality and Safety (quality evaluation, grain performance, mycotoxins, chemical residues, acrylamide and other processing contaminants)

Ancient and Novel Grains and Legumes (pseudocereals, non-traditional grain sources)

Food Additives (enzymes, additives, clean label)

Food Security and Waste Reduction (availability, affordability, sustainability, climate change, plant breeding, added value creation from by-products, storage)

New Methods and Instruments (rapid instrumental techniques for quality determination, novel methods for quality assurance)

Cereal Nutrition (gluten-free, wholegrains, glycaemic response, calorie reduction, dietary fibers, gut microbiota, micronutrients, functional components, reformulation for healthier products)

Market Trends (consumer perception of cereals, food trends, international trade, block chain technology and its implications)